Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Life lessons, an ongoing series

This past couple of months have taught me some things.

The first is that sometimes, no matter how bad you wanted something and worked your ass to get it, if it’s not meant to be yours, you'll probably ain’t getting none of it.

The second is that sometimes, that same thing that you’ve wanted so badly landed itself in the lap of someone who doesn’t even want is half as much as you. 

You see, I’ve been angling for this particular job for the past 3 months or so, ever since I’ve found out that there’s an opening. At first, I did everything splendidly and I gave it my best shot, from the initial interview, take home test, follow ups, all the works; and everything went smoothly and progressed along nicely.

And then somehow the HR Department in my current company got wind of it, and things started unraveling. It took all of my focus and efforts to avoid a tragic conclusion, but it was all worth it and seems to work thus far…

Then the universe decided to spice things up, and the HR from the company I’m zeroing in also found out about my situation. And so I’m deemed too risky and the HR decided to play it safe by offering the job to another candidate, someone who’s just going along with the flow, doesn’t seem to be into it with all his heart and soul, and puts in just enough effort to stay in contention.

And it’s been a crazy roller coaster ride for me ever since, with the two of us vying for the HR’s interest. Well, not so much him than me, actually. I’m basically whoring myself, while my competitor plays the aloof yet perhaps interested card, a very smart move indeed. I fully realize that my wholesale positioning carries the risk of lessening my appeal, but when you want and need something so bad, you’ll take risks, and beggars can’t be choosers.

Of course, it doesn’t help that the other candidate happens to be my own friend. That pretty much closes the option of me being mean and sabotaging him. And more or less leaves me relying on persistence and hope.

Oh well, I guess may the best man wins…

By the way, this whole piece was written with Friends With Benefits running in the background, and it was reaching its end just as I was finishing this.

So, anybody up for a game of tennis?

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