Thursday, August 15, 2013

I used to be arrogant, but now I'm perfect.

Do you often do stuffs although you fully realize that they won't change a thing?

Well, from that first sentence alone, you should pretty much be able to see where this is going.

And I'll have to admit, I'm guilty of the above crime.

Just like today, when I was just reading through this blog and then read some stuff that I feel could've been written better. And should've been.

So what did I do? Yup, I went on to edit them.

Knowing full-well that the chance of anyone noticing the changes would be slimmer than, say, an anorexic pinworm.

But still, I did it anyway.

Not so much because I'm pulling a Sinatra and insist on doing things my way.

No, my friend.

I'll say it clear.

I'll state my case, of which I'm certain.

See, the reason behind it is more due to the fact that I'm a perfectionist of a sort. Especially when it's not in the way of my general lackadaisical nature.

And if that quirky little adjective I've used just now throws you off the topic, don't worry, that word is easily google-able.

Anyway, being a stickler for perfection to some degree, there will be times where I just can't resist the urges to change/edit/modify/revise stuffs to be better (at least to me personally) than they were before, even though they won't matter at all.

Or won't matter anymore.

Because I do realize that some changes, if done just at the right moments, could've made a heaven and earth difference on the outcome of things.

Still, sometimes, despite us actually making all the right revisions, it simply is...too late.

Or as they say, that ship has sailed.

But that's what keep us all humans, I guess. The errors and the misjudgements we made.

And the mistimings.

After all, true perfection is the sole prerogative of God.

And we're all perfect in our imperfections.

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