An interesting topic popped out while I was ym-ing.
Most guys are fascinated with them. Captivated. Enthralled. Obsessed, even.
And why is that, you might ask?
The answer is pretty simple and apparent, actually. 'Coz we don't have them. And that's a very human reason indeed, to want and obsess over things one does not -- and perhaps cannot -- have.
And so guys are attracted to boobs like moths to open flame. And pretty much any boobs will do, really. All shapes and sizes have their own fan-base. Just as long as they are in their prime state and relatively youthful. I mean, let's be honest here, age and gravity aren't very kind to boobs, and only a generous sum of money has any fighting chance against their effects.
Oh, and them boobs better be female. Man boobs don't count, and are automatically disqualified due to the basic reason that men aren't supposed to have boobs. Things that we have are by rule deemed not attractive and not worth pursuing anymore. With the exception of power, money and women, of course.
Back to the topics at hand -- or at least there's where we all wish them to be -- that's why we came out with so many boobs-related activities and thingies. Like Hooters, for one. And wet t-shirt contests. And trading beads for flashing. And silicone implants. And w*nderbras, especially G*d's Hand. And lots of other things I better leave out lest I implicate myself unfavorably later.
Funny thing is, guys aren't the only ones obsessed with boobs. Maybe we have successfully shared our collective fascination towards boobs to the whole civilization. Or perhaps women are just wired with such a strong sense of competition to come out with boob-envy on their own. Whatever it is, we're definitely enjoying the show... B-)
So here's to boobs and the freedom to flaunt 'em. Be that by wearing bra with showcasing features, or even going in the opposite direction by being braless. And fear not girls, us guys will all be on hand to provide any support that the missing bra left off. ;)
Gotta catch 'em all!